Morals and religion

Deteriorating values

Moral values are principles that guide individuals and help them evaluate right versus wrong. They help a person make, justify and rectify decisions and mold one's personality in the long run.
In today's age people have forgotten the rectification of decisions using their values and only use the excuse of religion to either hide from the consequences of their decisions or justify them.
"Man is religious by nature"... This only holds true today because man is also weak and fearful by nature. The reason religion thrives is to fill the void in people's lives caused by a universal inferiority complex.
Religion is mostly described as the love for and belief in a supreme power, namely, God. Along with this God came the fear He instilled. People would at least keep themselves in check to appease this God if not their own conscience but then corruption crept in.
Corruption has aptly been termed 'the cancer of society', because soon after it made it's way into our lives, religion become a routine that wasn't thought about, instead of a way of life and hence, failed as a constitution, worldwide.
Today, children pray when they want something and adults only remember God in times of need. People remember God when they feel guilty enough to clear their conscience, and of course, without any effort. To be comfortable, to be at peace mentally, we as a race have forgotten the key aspect of religion. Morality.
In today’s society, people are far too influenced by avarice, vengeance, and need for power. They often forget the need or importance of common ethics and values and their morals begin to deteriorate. Old morals that were based on religion are replaced with new ones that co-relate to our ever-changing lives. Religion is slowly being replaced by spirituality and atheism. 
Religious beliefs are a combination of what is taught from a young age and what values a person believes in. In today's day and age, science and money are given higher importance than the idea of a Higher Being having power over all.
The only thing that matters now to people is to be ahead of everyone else. It doesn't bother them whether what they do to actually get to the 'top' is fundamentally right or not. They do not even know where they are, where they are going or whether their dream destination is actually what it seems to be or just an illusion.
Their defiant behavior often leads to crimes. This is the result of the extreme depravity to which our moral values have deteriorated. And the irony is that these people aren't unreligious as such. In their acts and ways, they may be extremely religious, however, this is only to conceal their true beliefs, values, and mentality.
Media such as video games, TV shows, movies, and so on all emblazon the corruption in society to the most influential age groups. Religion is exploited for our own satisfaction.
With the ever-changing ideologies of humanity, religion is no longer a necessity, however, moral values, which have deteriorated over the ages, and have been discounted immensely are still required for the growth of mankind as a race.
*Disclaimer: This is solely my perspective and is not meant to offend any individual.
So ask yourself where you think you're headed and keep yourself in check.



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