Embrace your demons


Why would anyone embrace their demons? Why would you ever care about something that haunts you?
The answer's simple... It makes you who you are.

Seems impossible right? Well, think about this, why do you think about something the way you do? Don't you learn from your past... Don't you shape yourself from experience?
Today you'll hate your demons, you'll hate them tomorrow, but ask yourself where you would be without them? What would you be if you had nothing to fight for, nothing to fight against? Where would you be if everything was 'normal'?
Your setbacks make you. Your monsters are your sandpaper, it hurts but it molds you. Without them you've lost everything. They give you a base to compare with.
Negative and positive are relative.... One can't exist without the other. They'll balance each other out someday, but imagine a life without either. Imagine a world with nothing... In the life you know, everything is variable but imagine there being just zero. Nothing being set apart from the others.
We are all different, our demons make us so.



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