Just staying up late.


It's late.... Or quite early, but I'm staying up and I'm rather satisfied. I'm doing my projects because I couldn't sleep and I'm watching HP 5. The best influence from which to write about moral values.
My essay is on that (moral values not HP 5 though I wish it was) and religion. Its odd for me to be an atheist and choose this topic but I thought it'd be better than going off on my opinion of India, plus I do have a lot to say on this topic.
My values are actually based off of the Harry Potter books. Family being the people you choose to be in your life, success being what makes you happy, a vision or dream leading you not someone else's goal for you, being independent from oppressive ties, letting go for the better when the time comes. These "commandments" are what I follow. I believe that my life is in my hands and I just want to shape myself according to my visions.
------------Hold up! Sirius just died... Whyyyyy!------------
Ok now I'm full of rage! I understand Harry's actions and thoughts. It comes as a surprise every time I watch it or read the book. Everything that was valued taken away in a glimpse. Maybe that's why people don't have values... Cause they can be taken away so easily that they aren't even invested in.
Religion is another thing people don't bother about anymore. I myself don't have a religion because I don't have the time for the rituals and the thought invested in it. People are said to believe in a God because of fear and hope but those two are what make us do anything in most scenarios. Studies predict that religion will be replaced by atheism by 2041 and others say that people are opting to be spiritual rather than religious. I personally think it's time for change with our evolving lives, new times need new morals and that doesn't mean I'm putting down religion because I'm not. I am not anti-religion, I just don't believe that it's the right path for me.
But I think that's it for now I've got to get back to my essay. Until next time.
PS- This was written on a sleepless night and been edited and posted on a late afternoon.



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