Just letters... The tag


Words... What are they? Letters strung together? Letters... What are they, no not the ones your parents wrote to their friends and family, the other ones? 'Sounds' but together in the right combinations these weird things make sense. They help make life easier and more complex. We spend years learning and utilising them and yet we know so little. I've spent the better part of today thinking about words. Odd right? But you see I was tagged for this by Envy from Lost in Translation. She's amazing BTW. So I've been thinking and realised that words are like mysteries, beautiful contradictions in themselves. They can ignite a spectrum of emotions with their meaning and their sound. So thank you Envy, for giving me something to think about.

What is your favourite letter of the alphabet?
The letter S. Not only because of the way it's written cause that too is beautiful (๐“ข๐•Š๐”ฐ๐“ˆ๐’ฎ) but since all my relations with people's whose names start with S have always been rather meaningful and those people have been extremely loyal to me. I got nothing against other letters but this one just stands out plus it makes writing my name fun.

What are three words that you love?

It's just so beautiful! And it rolls of your tongue sounding all classy. Plus it means something that perfectly enraptures everything all together.

From "Completely and perfectly and incandescently happy" - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. This actually has made me want to finish reading the book.
It is my favourite word of all time... Not because of its pronunciation but because it's meaning is so diverse and it justifies anything and everything. I also use it extremely often, ask any of my friends.
What are three words that you hate?
I HATE this word so much. Because it's misused and over-used and people don't understand it's significance. It's demanded for no reason whatsoever, sort of like a safety blanket but it isn't just a word... It has a meaning and that meaning is a promise to do better but it has evolved into an easy escape, an excuse. I don't hate the song though. ;)
I hate most words that have -ie or -ies or -sies added to it unless I'm talking to a baby or a puppy.
เค•เคฒेเคœू I don't know what this means but I hate it... I think it means liver but my paternal family uses it for embrace, I think.... Whatever said and done it makes me grimace.
If you were to create a word, what would it be and what would it describe?
Well I've tweaked the question and this is if I could define a phrase... Just for fun.
I am absolutely obsessed with this phrase and I think people generally misunderstand when I use it because contradictions are so negatively portrayed. It actually just personifies a paradox beautifully.
A person who is simple with complexity; Who is beautifully flawed; Who can be personal yet distant; Someone who can balance their white and black to make the perfect shade of grey.
What are your three favourite punctuation marks?
Yes, The double exclamation because as much as as love the exclamation mark, I have absolutely no idea as to the right way to use it.
⁉︎ Because there's just no other way to say I'm excited but have no idea as to what's being discussed.
# This is the only sign I know how to use properly.
; Though I rarely use it, I love what it symbolizes.
What are your three favorite fonts?
Parchment MF sample text
Homemade Apple Regular
Mountains of Christmas Regular
Which do you prefer, handwritten or typed notes?
I prefer anything handwritten because it helps me remember what I wrote and it seems much more personal, plus it's a brilliant way to use scrap paper. Typed notes are however far more economical.

Now as this is a tag, here are the bloggers I tag:
Sakshi from Capturing Sunshine
Nadia from Coffeessions
And if anyone reading wants to try too...
My question to them is - Which word, pre-existent or of your own creation, is rather significant to you?


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