Just discoveries.


---This is the post that was meant to be posted on Tuesday.
Yesterday was such a good day. I had gone to school after what felt like years and had brilliant conversations and so much fun. At times it felt like things were going on around me in a time-lapse but there were times when I had tears in my eyes from goofing around with my friends. I had a realisation that I've created beautiful new relations this year with people who see me for me...
Not the good, not the bad, not for my emotions nor my situation, just me. It was the best thing ever.
Today was the last day of school and I'm not going to be seeing most of my friends till May... Good thing I have a lot of things to sort out this time so I won't be getting bored. It doesn't feel like school's out. Yesterday was more like the end of something and a new beginning but today just felt 'normal' if that even is something.
I feel like I'm going with the flow, one which I can't see but I know it's mine and I'm happy going along with it. For the first time, I don't feel the need to do something out of the ordinary... I have my dreams, visions and goals but for now I'm just going to think, write and enjoy. I'm going to follow the piece of advice I received yesterday "Beginnings don't come often, enjoy it while it lasts", though it seems straightforward and simple I haven't understood the exact meaning yet but I've started following it unknowingly, as if my body has accepted it before my brain has understood it.
Whether I'm doing an activity with people I love or I'm feeling like things are happening and I'm just observing I've begun to give my all. I feel all my emotions, enjoy to my fullest, and let go of it all when the moment has passed. Memories and pictures don't last forever but when you give your all is when you've lived it. You can either live or be alive but being alive is half-heartedly holding onto something you didn't have completely when living is having completely and letting go completely. That doesn't mean you lose what you had, you just keep having new experiences and you'll have the memories as long as they're essential and they'll depart when you won't need them anymore.
It's not all about having one thing, it's about moving on and change and that's why it's fun.
I'll be trying my hand at photography this summer, but that's it. Bye then.



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