Sleepy mornings and late nights

'Round the AM

My life practically revolves around the AM, you'd think that'd be enough to make me start getting up early but sadly it's not even close.
My schedule is so wacky that my body is used to change everyday. Most days I sleep past 2 and most days I try to wake up before the pm... Same days I sleep whenever but wake up at 7 am.
I work best when everyone's asleep but lately that has equaled to me being sleepy when everyone's awake.
I have been thinking of doing that wake up early thing that people keep raving about. Along with that I've been considering writing everyday, as in posting everyday.
I've spent a considerable amount of time thinking about my to-do list for the next two years and I'll probably need a 35 hour day or a time-turner to do everything, however I am not Hermione Granger nor Father time so I will have to learn how to work efficiently and fast.
My most unproductive habit is laying around in bed in that half awake state and that wastes hours and that has got to stop ASAP.
I think my most unproductive hours start from 8 pm. The good ideas I'd have during my rare late nights earlier have now become memories saved on a note in my phone.
Mhmm I'll start waking up earlier... That'll probably make me a happier person too so win-win.
To Do: Wake up early and don't stay up late when you know you won't do anything.



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