Extroverted Introvert?
I hate it and I love it. There are days when I want to go and hide in a hole, alone with my thoughts... And then there are days when I can't stand being alone.
With my ENTP personality, I'm mostly extroverted but the funny thing is that I've taken that quiz thrice, once ENTP, once INTP and again ENTP. When I checked the percentage the third time, guess what? I'm a 51% extrovert and a 49% introvert, in other words, an extroverted introvert aka an ambivert.
I love talking to people, listening to tales but I hate people. If you ask me what I want to do then I'd say I want to be alone. I'm not like the people around me. I guess our wavelengths don't match and I can't spend time on them. They're a few people however who I could talk to for hours on end and those are the people I enjoy spending time on.
I hate small talk. I suck at it too. I'm not good at things I'm not interested in. If I'm passionate about something I'll give it my all, if I'm not then I couldn't care less. People might think I'm a little too straightforward at times but I want to know, would you rather have me blabber nonsense about the weather or my day or would you like an in-depth conversation about anything where the both of us share our opinions, jokes and learn from and about each other?
I'm an interesting person and I have a lot to share and this is what people say about me, not me trying to gloat or anything. Don't waste my time and don't waste yours. Look for the people who get you and not in front of whom you become an awkward mess of a person who can't do sh*t.
I have friends who make me the craziest, most outgoing extrovert you'll ever see, and then there're some people with whom I won't be able to have a decent conversation with for the life of Merlin!
Being an outgoing introvert is like being a chameleon... You change with your situation. You've got to adapt to different people. Actually that's' a skill everyone should learn because people are sensitive and the truth is if you are you then you're suddenly psychotic and insensitive and why? Because of honesty but humanity is stuck up so kill em' with kindness.
Go ahead find yourself and be it... People can go to hell along with their opinions.
Anyway, I'll write again later. Until then, what's your personality type?
Go ahead find yourself and be it... People can go to hell along with their opinions.
Anyway, I'll write again later. Until then, what's your personality type?
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