

I need to look at myself now and then to figure out things I need to change and things I need to improve, and i think most people need this. I don't like who I am sometimes and I've learnt that it's not about liking yourself all the time but about always having the will to work to being that someone you like.
It's not been an easy journey and decision making isn't always easy. It's never black and white, it's always grey and you need to prioritize and balance out the things that matter to you before you can do anything.
Lately I've let things get to me easy and I've begun to miss the time I wasn't fazed by anything. Perhaps I changed because I was bored, perhaps it's because I took myself for granted but it was also because I began valuing other things and forgot to find my balance but I'm working on that now.
Patience is a virtue and I never spent time developing it but I am now and it's not even close to late. I've forgotten to breathe the past couple of days... There was this phase when I'd focus with every breath however, I've been feeling a little blurry lately and I'm aching for a little clarity.
That's just how things are I suppose, unpredictable, and that's something I understand completely though it does get a little irksome now and then.
I keep reminding myself to breathe from time to time and that does help my head clear up a bit. The image is still a little hazy but what's important is my vision and that is still crystal clear.
That's it for now...
*Note to self: Use and a little less.
And breathe and bye.



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