
Showing posts from December, 2016

Happy almost new year...

More beginnings! Mmmm... This year has been crazy hmm? So many changes, so many beginnings. New pages, new chapters and crossing over of books. 2016 gave me everything I've wanted and more. I'm not going to lie... It's been rough. I've hurt and cried but the thing is, I didn't know that was possible. I believed I couldn't feel until I did and then the numbness was gone... Vanished. And it was replaced by so many things I tried to forget but it has been worth it. It's been wild. I've never had a more eventful  year I think. Personal accomplishments, Social events and simply spending time with my people. I've built relationships that will last. I'm placing my bet on this, these friendships will stand through the changing tides. What else? Ah! I'm ending this year happy. No conflict that I haven't realized, internal or otherwise. It's funny isn't it... I thought writing would show me who I was, it'd help me find ...

Tis' the season...

Merry Christmas Hello! High time I wrote again hm? I've got nothing too philosophical for you today... No fancy poetry, not too many paradoxes only a couple of stories. Today I'm writing as me. This was meant for my thoughts now wasn't it? *smiles... Ten years down the line I'll still tell people that 2016 was the year of change and oh what a year it's been! A spark in January, a break for the summer, a flame in July, followed by rains in August and then a forest fire in September? Or was it October... Sorry I'm not that good with my dates. Then came the floods. They lasted through November... And now, it's bittersweet. The December cold hits huh? It's beautiful everywhere. So... Calm and almost peaceful. And then the bitter cold just makes everything grey. There's balance unlike every other season and maybe that's why I've started loving winter the most, despite summer being my favorite. *Sigh... That's been my year in one wor...